Weather station Praha 10 Bohdalec

(Located at Na Krivce street, Prague 10, GPS 50.06033, 14.4687, 247m altitude, Timezone CEST)

Temperature = 12.3 C measured on Apr 25 14:51
Relative Humidity = 39 % measured on Apr 25 14:53
Absolute Humidity = 4.24 g/m3 measured on Apr 25 14:53 , Specific Humidity = 3.57 g/kg measured on Apr 25 14:53
Dew Point = -1.3 C measured on Apr 25 14:53
Pressure (sea level corrected [QFF]) = 1004.0 hPa (raw [QFE] 974.8 hPa), QNH = 1003.9 hPa; measured on Apr 25 14:45
Air density = 1.188 kg/m3, density altitude = 322.3 m, ratio to true altitude = 1.30 ; measured on Apr 25 14:45
Wind speed average = 2.5 m/s, gusts = 7.0 m/s, azimuth = 229 degs measured on Apr 25 14:53
Rain intensity = 0.0 mm/h measured on Apr 25 14:43
Time of last precipitation = Apr 20 13:16
Rain cumulative daily = 0.0 mm measured on Apr 25 14:43
Rain cumulative weekly = 6.0 mm measured on Apr 25 14:43
Temperature inside the rain gauge = 16.0 C measured on Apr 25 14:50
Illuminance (of a vertical surface oriented towards north) = 4421.4 lx measured on Apr 25 14:51
Today Sunrise: 2024-04-25 05:48:42 CEST
Today Sunset: 2024-04-25 20:12:21 CEST

We contribute data to the , and projects.

CHMI radar and amateur meteodata over Google maps

Links to professional local forecast services: CHMI , AGROPOCASI, AGRIMETEO, MEDARD , METEOPRESS , METEOCENTRUM, Weather info from Czech Air Navigation Services , METAR+TAF LKPR, forecast for GA

Automatic snow measurement by CHMI and New snow measurement stations operated by CHMI

My favorite global forecast services YR.NO , (models from NOAA and METEOBLUE)

Page update time: 2024-04-25 15:05:14 CEST

Other meteostations at Blovice, Plzen-Doudlevce, and Kamenny ujezdec

Weather station technical data: home-brew open hardware and open source construction, controlled by Atmel ATmega32 (new version has ATmega128), using Sensirion SHT75 temperature and humidity sensor, Motorola MPX4115A pressure sensor, PerkinElmer VTP9812FH photodiode, La Crosse TX20 anemometer (not heated - under certain conditions azimuth or speed can freeze), and rain gauge based on the TFA 47.3003 with self-made heating, with 433MHz wireless transmission to an embedded linux server. Notice that the meteostation sensors have not been calibrated and absolute values of e.g. pressure can have a minor offset. Magnitude of the pressure offset can be estimated by comparing the QNH with respect to METAR PRAHA
Description of the meteostation construction and firmware source code can be found here , together with other electronic constructions.

My hobby page

Bohdalec webcam picture